E-cigarette use linked to lung illness, concerns over misdiagnosis in Thailand

Concerns are rising among medical professionals in Thailand as e-cigarette-related pneumonia and bronchitis instances increase, notably among those who use hashish oil. Difficulties in analysis and a lack of awareness amongst docs have contributed to under-reporting circumstances.
Fortune have expressed their concerns over the rising variety of pneumonia and bronchitis circumstances related to e-cigarette usage. Specifically, these using hashish oil have been significantly affected. Despite these growing numbers, the accurate prognosis and proper reporting of the cases have been hindered by a lack of knowledge among physicians.
Assoc. Prof. Sutat Rungruanghiranya, Secretary-General of the Medical Professionals Network for Tobacco Consumption Control and Department Head of Internal Medicine at Srinakarinwirot University, stated that the under-reporting of cases could be attributed to physicians not correctly questioning patients about their e-cigarette utilization or their use of hashish oil.
E-cigarettes mixed with cannabis oil have been linked to a better risk of developing bronchial and lung issues, and while this mixture is less common in Thailand in comparison with different countries, it is believed that as its popularity grows, the prevalence of associated diseases will rise.
Sutat explained…
“Patients using e-cigarettes are more durable to treat and take longer to heal than those using traditional cigarettes. Many of them initially needed to quit smoking altogether, but heard that e-cigarettes might help them give up traditional cigarettes. However, they finally discover it much more tough to quit e-cigarettes due to their higher nicotine content material and the fact that 80% of the nicotine in e-cigarettes is synthetic, making it easier to absorb and more addictive.”
Sutat additional elaborated on the difficulty in quitting e-cigarettes, with some sufferers smoking two or three tubes every day, making cessation extraordinarily challenging. Treating every patient varies in length and depth relying on their smoking habits..

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